Private Courses

The listed classes are designed to give you the knowledge to protect and defend you and your family.
(Prices listed include range fees and targets.)


Get personalized instruction

For those interested in personalized instruction. Learn the skills you need or want one-on-one with your instructor in a private setting without distractions. Contact us directly at 951-459-0750.

$75 per hour (minimum of 2 hours)

Small Group Instruction

Training for up to 3 people

Interested in training with family members or a group of friends? Take a small group training class to learn pistol or carbine skills while having a good time. Contact us directly at 951-459-0750.

2 hours .......... $100 / person

Group Instruction

Training for 4 to 6 people

For those with larger groups that want to train.  Contact us directly at 951-459-0750.

2 hours .......... $80 / person

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